Reports from
15th Congress of the International Association of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology – IADMFR

(May 28 – June 2, 2005, Cape Town, South Africa)





Invited Lectures

Ivory and Elephant Survival
E. Raubenheimer

Free Papers

Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma. Pre-surgical Embolization
A. Dowzenko and K. Thun-Szretter

Evaluation of an Apparatus for Standardized Radiographs of the Rat Mandible
V.R.C. Fontanella, C.R.W. Mahl, J.A. Travessas and D.M.P. Padilha

Micro- and Macroanatomical Characterisation of Canals at the Mandibular Midline
R. Jacobs, X. Liang, I. Lambrichts,
P. Adriaensens and J. Gelan

Radiation Effects on the Calcific Nodule Formation in Osteoblastic Cell Line
K.J. Koh

Individual Model Fabrication in Maxillofacial Radiology: The Use of Three-dimensional Cephalometry
J.T. Lambrecht

Evaluation of Digital Filters in Diagnosis of Vertical Root Fractures
V.P. Lemos, V.R.C. Fontanella and C.R.W. Mahl

Accuracy and Precision of a Densitometric Tool For Jaw Bone
O. Nackaerts, M. Pillen, L. Engelen, F. Gijbels, F. Luyten and R. Jacobs

Reliability of Panoramic Radiographs in the Identification of Sleep Bruxers
M. Paquette, P.H. Rompré, C. Dal-Fabbro, H. Pham, C. Manzini, M. Dagenais and G.J. Lavigne


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